Equipment Hirers

What This Covers

This Policy is designed for Equipment Rental Companies serving the film, audio visual, broadcast, event, music industries and those other industries which hire out equipment from time to time. It is an All Risks Policy which includes cover for Property Damage, Business Interruption including Theft, Money, Employers Liability and Public and Products Liability.

Main exclusions

– The Policy Excess – the first amount of each and every valid claim as stated in the Policy Schedule
– War and Civil War
– Radioactive, Biological, Chemical and/or Nuclear Contamination
– Faulty/Defective design materials, gradual deterioration, wear and tear
– Corrosion, rust, change in temperature, dampness, wet or dry rot, shrinkage, vermin, insects, scratching or tearing
– Faulty or Defective workmanship
– Unexplained disappearance or inventory shortage, delay or detention by Customs or Government Officials
– Jewellery, precious stones/metals, bullion, furs, rare books or works of art
– Theft by Employees
– Theft from UNLOCKED unattended vehicles and where equipment is visible from the exterior of the vehicle
– Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown – policy can be extended to include this cover upon request
– Acts of Terrorism – policy can be extended to include this cover upon request

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