Short Term Events
What This Covers
This bespoke Policy is specifically designed for small events such as village fetes, product launches, conferences, exhibitions and the like. It can include coverage for Hired Equipment, Money, Employers and Public Liability and Cancellation of the event.
Main exclusions
– The Policy Excess – the first amount of each and every valid claim as stated in the Policy Schedule
– War and Civil War
– Radioactive, Biological, Chemical and/or Nuclear Contamination
– Jewellery, precious stones/metals, bullion, furs, rare books or works of art
– Corrosion, rust, change in temperature, dampness, wet or dry rot, shrinkage, vermin, insects, scratching or tearing
– Faulty or Defective design materials, gradual deterioration, wear and tear
– Unexplained disappearance or inventory shortage, delay or detention by Customs or Government Officials
– Theft from UNLOCKED unattended vehicles and where equipment is visible from the exterior of the vehicle
– Theft not involving violent/forcible entry whilst the event venue is closed or unattended by event employees
– Any loss resulting from the financial failure of the event and lack of or inadequate receipts sales or profits arising from the event
– Adverse Weather unless posing a serious threat to safety or it being physically impossible to set up the event or access the site
– Losses arising out of or resulting from any communicable disease which leads to quarantine or restriction of movement of people or animals and/or any travel advisory or warning being issued by a national or international body
– Losses arising out of or resulting from National Mourning declared in respect of persons aged 65 or over
– The non appearance of any person who is over the age of 70 years at the date of risk attachment
– Acts of Terrorism